At Workflow Secrets, we strive to make your experience with SAM smooth and rewarding. While we hope you'll never need this policy, we also understand that circumstances change.
If you decide to cancel your SAM account, here’s how our refund policy works. We’ve kept it straightforward to ensure fairness and clarity for everyone.
(Important: Refunds are only available if the correct
account cancelation process is followed. Please review the steps below carefully.)
🕒 1. Refund Eligibility
Submit Your Cancellation in Time:
To qualify for a refund, you must email your cancellation request to at least 48 hours (2 business days) before their monthly renewal date.
No Refunds After Renewal:
If a new billing cycle begins before your cancellation request is received, we won’t be able to issue a refund. However, we’ll ensure your account is canceled in time to avoid any future charges, and you will maintain access to your SAM account till that date.
🔐 2. Data Deletion & Responsibility
When you cancel your SAM account, all your stored information will be permanently deleted. This is part of our commitment to protecting your privacy and data security.
Irreversible Action: We cannot retrieve your data after cancellation.
Your Responsibility: Please export or save any important data before submitting your cancellation request. Once the process is complete, all records - including contacts, templates, and resources - are permanently erased.
💸 3. How the Refund Process Works (If Eligible)
If you’ve met the refund eligibility requirements, here’s what happens next:
1. Send Your Request:
- Your full name
- The email address linked to your account
- Opt: Any feedback you have about your time working with us inside SAM - It helps us out immensely.
2. Receive Confirmation: We’ll send a confirmation email within 2 business days to verify your refund request.
3. Refund Processing:
If eligible, refunds are typically processed within 7-10 business days by our payment processor
Stripe. The refund will be sent to the original payment method used when you signed up.
(For your financial security, we cannot send refunds to alternate accounts or payment methods.)
⚠️ 4. Important Policy Notes
No Partial Refunds: We do not offer refunds for unused portions of a billing period, even if you cancel partway through the month.
No Exceptions: As a small business, we apply this policy consistently. This includes requests from friends, family members, or professional contacts.
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🤝 Our Commitment to You
We’ve built SAM with a mission to help agents like you save time, build better systems, and create more freedom in your business. If we’ve fallen short in any way, we sincerely apologize.
While policies are important for fairness, relationships matter more. If you’ve experienced a problem, we’ll always do our best to resolve it professionally and kindly.
Thank you for trusting us with a part of your business journey. We hope SAM has helped you create something exceptional - and we’d love to welcome you back anytime in the future.