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Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section where you can find answers to the most common inquiries and concerns regarding the Systems Accelerator Manager (SAM) Platform. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, Help@WorkflowSecrets.info.

Q1: How likely is it that I will achieve success with the Systems Accelerator Manager?

A: With SAM, achieving your real estate goals is highly possible... and we think very likely! SAM is designed specifically for real estate, and was engineered to ensure an easy to use platform to ensure a high rates of success. Transforming your business and experience unparalleled growth and efficiency with SAM is all about getting in the system and using it from there!

Q2: How soon can I start seeing results with  the Systems Accelerator Manager?

A: You can start observing noticeable reductions in administrative tasks from the first week of integrating SAM into your workflow! For maximum efficiency and time-saving, consistent use of SAM will have you experiencing the best results within the first 2-3 months!

Q3: Can I continue my traditional real estate with the Systems Accelerator Manager?

A: Absolutely! With SAM, you can continue enjoying your traditional real estate practices and focus more on what we assume you love doing - helping people make their home buying and selling dreams come true! SAM handles all the backend work, allowing you to say goodbye to manual resource creation, repetitive email building, and starting from scratch when creating your business systems!

Q4: How does  the Systems Accelerator Manager work?

A: SAM provides a clear and focused experience that helps users automate systems, increase client satisfaction through tailored communication, and work to grow their business by creating high-quality content, resources, and systems for real estate agents to plug into their businesses.

Q5: I'm skeptical about AI... Will using AI like SAM put me out of business?

A: In the world of real estate, it's not an easy task to keep up with the continuous list of responsibilities that come your way, every-single-day. You are an expert in your field - no question about that - and our Systems Accelerator Manager, I named him SAM, is designed to be the tool that helps you be even better at what you do.

We understand the skepticism surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI). It's new, it's powerful, and for some, it might seem intimidating. But SAM isn't here to take over real estate, far from it. SAM is here to help you do more of what you do best - connecting with clients, negotiating deals, and closing sales.

And at the end of the day, we all know that humans prefer to work with humans… Especially when they are incredibly prepared, organized and so good at their job, it doesn't look like they are working.

At its core, SAM is a tool, a digital teammate, if you will, designed with YOU (our real estate agent friends) in mind.
SAM doesn’t make decisions for you. Instead, SAM helps inspire YOUR creative spark, helping to create, streamline and automate time-consuming tasks and Systems so that you can make the decisions that matter most in your business.

Think of SAM like your smart-phone or watch, always ready to help, but never in the driver's seat. You're still the expert, the decision-maker, and the one in control when your clients compliment the World Class Experience they just received. SAM is here to help you be more efficient, organized, and focused. What this means is less time spent erecting your business, and more time helping your dream clients, or spent off the clock finally able to live your life.

With SAM, you get to take advantage of the benefits of AI, without the fear of losing control. It's the best of both worlds! AI's efficiency and your expertise, together, can help propel your business forward like never before.

Remember, the goal is to free up your time, make your work more efficient and enjoyable, and help you focus on what truly matters - building relationships, growing your business, and enjoying the fruits of your labor. In a world where time is your most valuable resource, SAM is here to help you make the most of it.

Q6: What is your pricing?

A: We are a Software As A Service (SaaS) company with a reoccurring monthly subscription fee that is automatically renewed each month. The easiest way to best explain our pricing is to refer you to our pricing page and pricing chart (below).

What's Included in each plan?

SAM Exploration

Explore SAM's Power Free for 14 Days

  • ​1 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 10 Saved Templates
  • ​Access To The Getting Started Quest
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM
* no credit card required

Systems Starter

Optimize Your Entire Operation

  • ​Up to 3 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 30 Saved Templates
  • ​​Access To All 9 Quests
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM

(Only $89 / Month)

C.O.R.E. Agent

Accelerate Your Teams Path to Success

  • ​Up to 5 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 100 Saved Templates
  • ​​Access To All 9 Quests
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM

(Just $139 / Month)

System Savant

Unparalleled Team Access to SAM

  • ​Up to 25 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 300 Saved Templates
  • ​​Access To All 9 Quests
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM
  • ​​Lead Management & Conversion with SamChat

(For $599 / Month)

Features To Look Forward to

On release these features will be automatically available inside your account if you are subscribed to this plan. 

SAM Exploration

  • ​Realvolve Workflow Coaching With SAM
  • ​Communications Matrix
  • 1 Business Assistant
  • SAM Contact Storage
  • Smart Contact Imports
  • SAM Business Calendar

        Systems Starter

        • ​Realvolve Workflow Coaching With SAM
        • ​Communications Matrix
        • 3 Business Assistants
        • SAM Contact Storage
        • Smart Contact Imports
        • SAM Business Calendar

        C.O.R.E. Agent

        • ​Realvolve Workflow Coaching With SAM
        • ​​​ Insights: Agent Readiness Score Indicator
        • ​​Upload Your Own Files
        • ​Communications Matrix
        • 5 Business Assistants
        • SAM Contact Storage
        • Smart Contact Imports
        • SAM Business Calendar

        System Savant

        • ​Enhanced Realvolve Workflow Coaching
        • ​​ Insights: Agent Readiness Score Indicator
        • ​Insights: Agent Business Readiness Assessments
        • ​​Upload Your Own Files
        • ​Communications Matrix
        • 10 Business Assistants
        • SAM Contact Storage
        • Smart Contact Imports
        • SAM Business Calendar

        CONNECT:     Reddit     in     Facebook     Youtube

        About the Systems Accelerator Manager (SAM)

        SAM is a pioneering platform born from a deep understanding of the real estate sector's unique challenges and opportunities. Originating as a visionary project designed to revolutionize real estate practices, SAM places generative AI at the core of a real estate agent's workflow. At Workflow Secrets, we recognize that AI is not just a buzzword or feature to be duct-taped onto an outdated platform but rather a tool essential for today's real estate professionals. It unlocks new levels of efficiency, client engagement, and success for agents (just like you) across the industry.


        HQ - Bolivar, Mo
        Remote Office - St. Louis, Mo


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