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The Systems Accelerator Manager Platform
Welcome to the next step in CRM evolution with SAM
Imagine tripling your real estate business growth with one change - eliminating repetitive and tedious manual tasks. With SAM, the Complete All-In-One AI System, you can revolutionize your daily workflow, increase operational efficiency by up to 40%, and reshape how you conduct business, by removing time-sucking inefficiencies.
Transform How You Work in Real Estate, One Click at a Time.
SAM is the first-of-its-kind System Accelerator designed by lifelong real estate technologists to redefine efficiency in your real estate business.

By integrating artificial intelligence into your existing operations, SAM enhances your daily workflow seamlessly with prompt-free resource creation, smart automation, and business experience & client-relationship development coaching.
  • Personalized Automation: SAM adapts to your business style, automating tasks from lead management to client follow-ups in your unique voice. Save hours of manual work, ensuring every interaction feels personal and professional.
  • Data Sovereignty and Security: Hosted in your secure environment, SAM respects your data privacy, keeping your business data protected and under your control.
  • Continuous AI Enhancement: Stay ahead with the latest AI advancements without needing to be a tech-genius or expert in AI. SAM evolves with the market, providing cutting-edge, user-friendly tools.
  • Streamlined Client Experiences: Enhance client interactions by automating routine communications and tasks. Focus on delivering a World-Class Client Experience and growing your business through personal engagement and strategic relationship building.



SAM adapts to your team, brokerage, or brands size, security requirements, and budget constraints to deliver a personalized and scalable AI-driven solution that grows with your business. Embrace SAM's revolutionary system to streamline operations, enhance client relations, and achieve unprecedented efficiency.


SAM understands the unique challenges and demands of the real estate industry, from complex client management systems to rigorous compliance with local, state, and industry standards. The Systems Accelerator Manager (SAM) is designed to empower real estate agents, teams, and brokers to enhance productivity while focusing on what they do best — building relationships and closing deals.

We didn’t build SAM to be just another CRM tool you'll replace when the next shiny new system comes along; we built it to enable real estate professionals to unlock new levels of efficiency and client service excellence. SAM maintains the attention to detail and personalized service fundamental to your success.

When we do our job right, you'll never need to look for another tool.

How The Systems Accelerator Manager Gets You There

SAM’s AI-driven platform is more than just a tool—it’s a partner in transforming your real estate business. With SAM, you streamline administrative processes, automate resource creation, enhance client communication, and develop easy-to-follow systems. Here’s how SAM guides you to greater freedom, success, and client satisfaction with four easy steps:

Personalized Automation:

Input your unique business needs and use SAM to customize resource creation and automations to match your writing style, ensuring every piece of communication reflects you and your brand.

Efficient System Development:

Utilize SAM’s easy-to-use interface to quickly create and implement effective lead-generating content and systems that manage client interactions, follow-ups, and lead management, all with minimal manual effort.

Scalable Solutions:

As your business grows, SAM scales with you, adapting to increased demands without requiring significant changes to your established workflows.

This allows you to focus on relationship building, which in turn helps the system aid you even better.

Continuous Improvement:

Benefit from our expertise as real estate technologists committed to ongoing updates and enhancements. 

SAM ensures you are always equipped with the latest tech capabilities, keeping your business ahead of the curve and continually improving efficiency and service quality.

Discover the pathway to more freedom and success, delivering unparalleled value to your clients using SAM’s streamlined approach to real estate management.

Embark on your AI journey with SAM through our no-obligation, free 14-day trial. This trial gives you full access to SAM's robust features, enabling you to build resources that drive leads to your website, develop essential business infrastructure, and monitor your productivity through our comprehensive dashboards.

Over the next 14 days, you'll see firsthand how SAM streamlines operations, providing a strategic and structured approach to AI adoption. SAM ensures your efforts align with your business goals to maximize productivity, uncover new opportunities, and secure a competitive advantage in the rapidly evolving real estate market.

Trusted By:

Single Agents



AI Novest

AI Enthusiasts

Sales Reps



RE Brands

What's Included in each plan?

SAM Exploration

Explore SAM's Power Free for 14 Days

  • ​1 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 10 Saved Templates
  • ​Access To The Getting Started Quest
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM
* no credit card required

Systems Starter

Optimize Your Entire Operation

  • ​Up to 3 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 30 Saved Templates
  • ​​Access To All 9 Quests
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM

(Only $89 / Month)

C.O.R.E. Agent

Accelerate Your Teams Path to Success

  • ​Up to 5 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 100 Saved Templates
  • ​​Access To All 9 Quests
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM

(Just $139 / Month)

System Savant

Unparalleled Team Access to SAM

  • ​Up to 25 Team Members
  • ​Unlimited Generations & 300 Saved Templates
  • ​​Access To All 9 Quests
  • ​Business Analytics Dashboards
  • ​Realvolve Workflow Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Viewer/ Downloader
  • ​Realvolve Templates Coaching With SAM
  • ​​Lead Management & Conversion with SamChat

(For $599 / Month)

Features To Look Forward to

On release these features will be automatically available inside your account if you are subscribed to this plan. 

SAM Exploration

  • ​Realvolve Workflow Coaching With SAM
  • ​Communications Matrix
  • 1 Business Assistant
  • SAM Contact Storage
  • Smart Contact Imports
  • SAM Business Calendar

        Systems Starter

        • ​Realvolve Workflow Coaching With SAM
        • ​Communications Matrix
        • 3 Business Assistants
        • SAM Contact Storage
        • Smart Contact Imports
        • SAM Business Calendar

        C.O.R.E. Agent

        • ​Realvolve Workflow Coaching With SAM
        • ​​​ Insights: Agent Readiness Score Indicator
        • ​​Upload Your Own Files
        • ​Communications Matrix
        • 5 Business Assistants
        • SAM Contact Storage
        • Smart Contact Imports
        • SAM Business Calendar

        System Savant

        • ​Enhanced Realvolve Workflow Coaching
        • ​​ Insights: Agent Readiness Score Indicator
        • ​Insights: Agent Business Readiness Assessments
        • ​​Upload Your Own Files
        • ​Communications Matrix
        • 10 Business Assistants
        • SAM Contact Storage
        • Smart Contact Imports
        • SAM Business Calendar

        What Others Are Saying about Sam

        My favorite part!!!! (Realvolve CRM Workflows Viewer) Has given me the ability to back up my agent's intellectual work so they are confident they are covered for whatever. And it has saved me
        DAYS of work giving them that security.

        Kerry P.  - Dayton, Ohio

        Keeping up with social media while doing all the real work of selling a home is tough. Once skilled with it, I can see it being a valuable tool that can be used quickly to blast social with small updates, details, hooks, open house pings with cool features throughout the day.

        Matt L. - St Louis, Mo

        I love the idea of setting up “members” not as different people all together but the different focuses that I have in my business. Thank you!

        Kristen C. - Queen Creek, Az

        Hey Cody! Just so you know, SAM has become indispensable tool in my real estate arsenal. The ease of creating and implementing systems, along with the guided layout of it all, I can already tell is going to take me business productivity to new heights. Now I've tasted it, I can't imagine running my business without SAM!

        Josh G. - Springfield, Mo

        Hey Man, just wanted to share a little success story for ya. After spending a few days clicking around I was able to create five lead magnets going over the buying side experience for new homeowners that I plugged into my website. Pointed some social media traffic towards them, offered them as bonuses, and have an ad running for one. As a product I now have 17 new leads coming in just from this. The best part is they are already qualified.

        This software is a slam dunk! Thanks for letting me get my hands on it, first. Keep Working hard on improvements, love to see what you’ve made.

        Zach F. -  Springfield, Mo

        It was great being able to take all my letters & rewrite them in my “own voice” so they didn’t seem store bought. Thanks for making it so easy to use & introducing me to AI.

        Kathy S. - Bolivar, Mo

        * no credit card required

        The Importance of Systems in Real Estate

        We believe systems are a foundational principle and a key to developing a successful business. Without great systems that are recorded, repeatable, running, and scalable, you are simply throwing effort, processes, and ideas at a wall to see what sticks.

        This is the trap far too many real estate agents fall into when starting out, growing a team or their business, and again when life strikes and balance has to shift.

        The Systems Accelerator (A category of tools such as SAM by Workflow Secrets) works to create, refine and recommend areas of improvement for all your Business Systems.

        What this creates is the infrastructure for you to build repeatable success across every area of your business, from Lead Management and Acquisition to creating World Class Client Experiences that drive customers to share about them (and you). Past clients will be so pleased with their experiences working with you, they can’t help but come back and send friends your way.

        Where We've Been Featured

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        About the Systems Accelerator Manager (SAM)

        SAM is a pioneering platform born from a deep understanding of the real estate sector's unique challenges and opportunities. Originating as a visionary project designed to revolutionize real estate practices, SAM places generative AI at the core of a real estate agent's workflow. At Workflow Secrets, we recognize that AI is not just a buzzword or feature to be duct-taped onto an outdated platform but rather a tool essential for today's real estate professionals. It unlocks new levels of efficiency, client engagement, and success for agents (just like you) across the industry.


        HQ - Bolivar, Mo
        Remote Office - St. Louis, Mo


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